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2014 Nissan Altima Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Could be good with any transmission other than their CVT by b-crags



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Reviewed: 2014 Nissan Altima

4dr Sedan 270-horsepower 3.5L V6 7-speed shiftable CVT FWD

Why the 2014 Nissan Altima?

Why Not the 2014 Nissan Altima?

Reliability & durability

CVT has been very unreliable. I had transmission issues after about 600 miles on this new car. It was difficult to recreate so it took a few months to get a dealer to address the issue. After the transmission was replaced it still had similar shakiness under light throttle.

Audio & nav systems

Radio system reboots a couple times a week while driving. The sound quality is decent when it works. The problem seems to only occur with satellite radio playing. Haven't had this addressed by the dealer yet.

Other Features of the 2014 Nissan Altima

Powertrain performance

The power of the 3.5 is more than adequate and is probably underserved by the middle of the road handling.


Would not recommend

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Response from stevewaclo

2:59 pm November 24, 2014

I have a 3.5 Coupe with upgraded suspension and a six speed.

Have heard so many bad reviews of Nissan's CVT.


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Response from tim414

4:24 pm January 11, 2015

I have also heard bad things about the CVT, but, I have had NO PROBLEMS with it so far. My 2010 Altima has 63k now, and not one issue. It did take me a lilttle bit to get use to the CVT and how it shifts. I have adjusted my right foot/gas pedal and now can use the CVT to get the best city milage from my Altima. The highway makes no difference, only city (adjusting the way I throttle the car especially at take off from traffic light-the CVT keeps low end torque available to hold down the engine rpm to create fuel savings and still accelerates just fine from stop lights).


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