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CVT Failure

Ask the People Who Own One:

2015 - 2024 Nissan JUKE

CVT failed and replaced under warranty at 52,000 miles. How many other failures in the 2016 model year?

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Response from LectroFuel

9:16 pm February 8, 2019

Nissan has had a lot of problems with their CVTs for a long time now. They have a high failure rate in almost all the cars they use it in. Once the new CVT's warranty ends, I suggest getting another car. It is unfortunate that Nissan continues to use them because their cars hold up otherwise.

If you are looking to trade for a similar car, the Honda HR-V, Kia Niro, and Hyundai Kona are great choices. If you want something bigger, the Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4, and Mazda CX-5 are the best.


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Response from mkaresh

11:25 am February 9, 2019

We don't have many participants with the JUKE. But any reports of transmission failures we receive are posted to the site. The last time I checked CVT failures were most common for the 2009 and 2009 model years, when this transmission was first introduced in Nissan's small cars. They're less common for more recent model years, and especially at such low mileage.


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