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Reliabilty and durability

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2006 - 2010 Nissan Murano

Can it tow 1500 lbs on a consistent basis without frying the CVT? Any problems with the subframe rusting out? Heard that if it is exposed to salt on the roads the front subframe has rust problems. How durable is the drive train - transmission, CVT, transfer case, etc? How comfortable is the ride on highway, on rough roads? How far can you go on a tank of gas in the real world (not EPA) say all highway and mixed highway/intown and just intown. Things you like about the vehicle and things you don't. Any things to look for if buying used, preferably 2008 and up but open to other years if you have advice good or bad.
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Response from mkaresh

2:13 pm April 1, 2016

Can it tow 1500 lbs on a consistent basis without frying the CVT? We occasionally drag a boat (4000#) and have not had any problems so I'm sure your 1500# rig won't be a problem.Any problems with the subframe rusting out? Heard that if it is exposed to salt on the roads the front subframe has rust problems. We live in sunny So-Cal so I can't speak to either of these. How durable is the drive train - transmission, CVT, transfer case, etc? No problems yet, 80+k miles. I read the CVT isn't serviceable, sealed unit from the factory or some such thing. Nissan has been building them for a long time though for industrial use so that gave me some confidence. How comfortable is the ride on highwayReally nice, on rough roads average I guess? ? How far can you go on a tank of gas in the real world (not EPA) say all highwayover 400 reliably and mixed highway/intown ??? and just intown??? Wife's car, I keep track on road trips, she doesn't during normal driving.. Things you like about the vehicle:

  • comfy for road trips, got a ticket for doing 90+ one time, I really had no idea. Woops.
  • quiet
  • good tower, don't even notice my trailer
  • good mileage
and things you don't:
  • CVT, not a fan. Old school in me talking here.
  • VERY sensitive controls. Steering, brakes, accelerator are all feather light. Took a while for me to get used to, wife didn't have so much of a problem.
  • Interior space is limited. This car took the place of our '03 Honda Pilot. They take up the same space in the garage but, due to the design of the vehicle, the Murano has waaay less interior space.
  • Not a huge deal but?we have a sunroof, doesn't seem like it opens all the way as it was intended. It's like the limit switches are in the wrong place or something. You'd have to see one to get what I'm talking about. Factory just said that's how they all are and left it at that.
Any things to look for if buying used, preferably 2008 and up but open to other years if you have advice good or bad. I think they skipped the '08 model year? Been pretty happy w/ this car. I actually wanted a Venza but you can't get a roof rack and sunroof on that car, deal breaker. Too bad, it was way cooler to drive. Depending on your needs, consider a Pilot too. Still have ours, kids drive it mostly now. it's more SUV'y, rougher ride, more noise, but has more room and has 4 wheel drive standard on early models, optional on later ones (not sure of years). Good luck!


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