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2012 Nissan Xterra Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by brslomo



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Reviewed: 2012 Nissan Xterra

4dr SUV 261-horsepower 4.0L V6 6-speed manual 4WD, part-time w/low range

Why the 2012 Nissan Xterra?

Reliability & durability

In spite of the fact that this car normally receives a reliability rating of 5/10, I have found that if you perform the required preventive maintenance, the car will provide outstanding reliability.

Materials & workmanship

I like the cheap, but adequate interior appointments and the fact that you get a lot of transportation value for the money paid.

Past personal experience

This is the third Xterra which I have owned. My first was a 2000 and my second was a 2003 Xterra. This new one is a 2012 Xterra S model with standard transmission and four wheel drive.

Price or payments

For the amount of transportation value which you receive, the car is priced below where I would expect it to be.

Powertrain performance

I like the new, more powerful engine.

Why Not the 2012 Nissan Xterra?

Fuel economy

I don't see how the fuel economy could be improved, given what the vehicle is. But I can't say that I am happy with the poor fuel economy.

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Response from G.E.Harris

11:39 am February 4, 2021

I own a 2012 Nissan Xterra Pro-4X with a 6 speed manual. Routine maintenance and avoiding severe modifications (lift kits, massive tires, etc) keep this vehicle a reliable daily driver. The only unexpected problems have been replacing a crankshaft position sensor and driver's rear axle seal. I currently have 238,000 miles and it still gets me to work 84 miles one way!


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