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2014 Porsche Cayenne Diesel - any known major issue?

Ask the People Who Own One:

2011 - 2018 Porsche Cayenne

My wife is considering a Porsche Cayenne (trim is not important). We saw one on sale with Turbo Diesel trim. I am looking for input on its reliability and cost for maintenance. What are the things that are just fabulous and what are the things that will cost me down the road. I like to keep my car for a long long time (>10 years) and like to performanc maintenance by myself to save money and have fun to get to know the car. I cannot work on transimission or engine failures. Thanks.

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Response from erickim33

8:06 am June 1, 2016

TDI 3.0 are awesome, but wait out till the diesel gate issue has been cleared for a fix. Depending on your location of residency, expect possible smog tesing for NO... I've had 3 TDI, and never had any major problem except major maintenance like timing belt. The plus side is fuel mileage, very good reliability, and the SUV have an outstanding drive train. Also, these vehicle (Toureg, Q7, and Porsche) use urea with every oil change.

Wait for the dealership offer substantial discount on the 2015 model, i've heard 15K off in San Antonio, Texas on a Q7. But not quite sure for the Porsche???

Best of Luck,

Eric Kim


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Response from mikel212

11:47 am October 9, 2016

I'm also looking for a 2012-2014 Base Cayenne. I currently have a 2013 ML350 Bluetec and hate, hate the turbo lag. From my research, read that the Cayenne diesel has almost no turbo lag.

Reviews saythe 2013 are probably the most reliable. The petroengine is the easiest to maintain and reliable.
I like the diesel for range and torque, but it is 300 lbs heavier and diesel is a premium over premium gas here in nyc. I do worry about the oil pump, DEF heater, NOx sensors and a bunch of additional components related to diesel engines. The estimated savings is about $500/year, but with the more expensive diesel engine, expensive fuel, and additional repair bills on diesel components during the 6yr break-even point, I personally dontsee any advantages.

Wow, think I just talked myself in the the regular engine. Now, I just need to find one in Blue with back-up camera.


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