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Ask the People Who Own One:

2014 - 2016 Porsche Panamera

1) Given its cost, did your Panamera meet your expectations for reliability and durability?
2) Would you purchase again and if not, what would you purchase instead?
3) Fun to drive? In city, highway, back roads?

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Response from LectroFuel

2:00 pm September 29, 2020

My dad has a 2014 Panamera and it has been relatively reliable. The water pump went out once while he was driving it and left him on the side of the road. Other than that it has been fine. His is the base model V6 3.7L and I believe it has over 50k miles. It is a heavy car, so if you don't need the space I would go for a 911. Still, for the size and weight of the car, it handles very well and hides the weight well on backroads since the tires are very wide if you get the upgraded wheels. The base V6 isn't terribly powerful enough to be very fun. It's still decent though. It is a great road trip car and feels planted and stable on the highway. In the city, the DCT takes a little bit to get used to, but it is worth it. It shifts very quickly. The infotainment system is not really good. The Porsche dealer charges way too much for basic service, so make sure you have a trusty mechanic that works on Porsches so you can get a better price.


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