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2008 Saturn AURA Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by dbeckpro



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Reviewed: 2008 Saturn AURA

4dr Sedan 252-horsepower 3.6L V6 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

Why the 2008 Saturn AURA?

Driving position & visibility

Up through 2008, many GM models came with an optional Power Adjustable Pedal option and all of them have the telescoping steering column. Combined with a power seat, this car fits the driver vs. the driver needing to fit the car.

Fuel economy

The Aura XR has an EPA rating of 18/26 (give or take). We consistently average 20+ in town and for 252hp, it averaged a respectable 28.5 - 30.3npg on a recent 18hr road trip. Did I mention we were fully loaded (4 humans and a full trunk)!

Controls and instruments

The control design is superb. The volume, function, cruise and On-Star are intuitively placed for easy access on the steering wheel. The dual ambidextrous paddle shifters are a nice touch!

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