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Subaru Reliability

Ask the People Who Own One:

2009 - 2013 Subaru Forester

I am thinking of buying a used Subaru Forester from the years 2009-2012. I have read that the Subaru Outback starts falling apart around 90,000 miles. Our 2000 Honda CRV made it to 200,000 miles before developing significant mechanical problems. We are looking for another CRV with less than 100,000 miles on it that will last as long as our little Honda did. I have always liked the look of the Subaru Forester, but would like feedback on its reliability and longevity.

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Response from LectroFuel

7:02 pm December 18, 2018

The Subarus burn a lot of oil in those years. I wouldn't buy one. The RAV4, CR-V, and CX-5 are much better.


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Response from alcom

10:09 pm January 25, 2019

Here's a list of all the cars that have oil issues. It includes the percentage of vehicles that are affected.


One factor in oil burning is that manufacturers switched to 0W-20 oil to lessen internal engine drag and improve fuel efficiency.

I would suggest three things.
1) Ask to see the service records to see if the car you're considering has a history of burning oil - only a small percentage do
2) Ask whether the car is still under warranty or extended warranty. Some manufacturers will issue an extended warranty to cover a potential problem area, and this can extend to 10 years or 100,000 km.
3) If there is a warranty, standard or extended, ask for a copy of the documentation and find out if it applys only to the original owner or whether it is transferable.

I owned a 1996 Subaru Legacy wagon that I kept for 22 years and 312,000 km. I never had to add oil between changes, and when it was two decades old I was still averaging 12L/100KM or about 20 MPG. I now drive a 2018 Subaru Forester.

Hope this helps.


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