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Opinion of 2017 Subaru Outback touring

Ask the People Who Own One:

2015 - 2022 Subaru Outback
A member in New York, United States

Seeking opinions tips on overall care and durability of vehicle - just acquired used 15,000 miles. Though fog on windshield is observed as strange in humid weather conditions. Thank you.

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Response from LectroFuel

12:44 pm August 2, 2018

The fog problem is interesting, as the 2015 Outback had a problem with the windshield cracking. Maybe that is the reason. They installed a very cheap windshield in the Outback. Check the oil every 2,000 miles or less because Subarus are known for consuming a lot of oil. If it is low, buy some oil at the autoparts store and fill it up with the correct type. Do you have the 2.5 or 3.6 engine?


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