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2015 Toyota 4Runner Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Another great 4Runner by vtlpluyr



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I've owned a few of these. They improve a lot from model to model. This particular model is the first one to feel a bit less powerful than the last. My last one felt a bit faster off the line despite having less horsepower, that said, it has all the power I need. It is roomier in the third row also, which is a major improvement. It also has all the tech stuff that you'd expect like a backup camera and bluetooth... If I were to be disappointed with anything it would be the fuel economy. I know that as a company, Toyota has many diesel engines that it could have put in this truck, yet they did not. It feels like they design 4Runnersputting reliability ahead of everything else from fit and finish to raw performance. This is great for somebody like me who will keep it for 8 to 10 years and put on very heavy mileage in crazy / extreme conditions, but I'm not sure how the average person would feel.

Reviewed: 2015 Toyota 4Runner

4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6 5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range

2015 Toyota 4Runner Love Letter

Its fine, some poeple like the new front end, but not everybody.


If you need an SUV, need to pull, and you are physically hard on a vehicle this one will withstand crazy levels of abuse and remain highly reliable. Its also low enough to fit in most underground parking spots. If you never or rarely go off road, never or rarely pull anything, and / or do not enjoy the ride of an actual truck, there are plenty of better choices out there, including optionsfrom Toyota.

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