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Hybrid Battery Question - Highlander Hybrid

Ask the People Who Own One:

2008 - 2010 Toyota Highlander

Any feedback on the Highlander's battery pack needing replacing? we are looking to buy a 2010 Hybrid with 136,000miles for $10,000.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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Response from LectroFuel

12:50 am March 13, 2020

Usually Toyota hybrid batteries need to be replaced when they are 10-12 years old. If the battery was replaced recently then go for it. If not, you'll need to pay around two grand to replace it soon, so factor that into the price. Personally, I wouldn't go for it. That's a lot of money. If you can deal with a little less space, the Prius is more reliable and a better value. Also gets twice the mileage at least compared to the hybrid Highlander.


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