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2011 Volvo XC90 Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by schneiderrd



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Reviewed: 2011 Volvo XC90

4dr SUV 311-horsepower 4.4L V8 6-speed shiftable automatic AWD

Why the 2011 Volvo XC90?

Why Not the 2011 Volvo XC90?

Interior styling

The location of the controls behind the shift lever was dumb. Unless you have small feet There is not enough room around the gas pedal. It is not unusual fo my foot to get hung up to the right of the gas pedal. Evidently, Sweds have small feet.


Even though this car is supposed to be a mid-sized SUV, it handles like a boat. I should have been given a captain's hat when I bought it. Very poor in cross winds. it has the tendncy to plow going into corners.

Front seat room

In an effort to make room for the third seat, the leg room up front has been compromised

Audio & nav systems

The Navigation system is total crap. It gets lost just going around the block. The NAV system and backup camera share the same screen that pops up out of the top of the dashboard. Bad idea. You have to wait for the screen to pop up which takes too long. By the time the camera screen pops up, I have already backed up and I am half way down the street. Ford has a much better idea on this.


If you want a car that handles like a pig with poor layout of the controls, this is your car

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