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2006 Acura TSX Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by khurlock



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Reviewed: 2006 Acura TSX

4dr Sedan 205-horsepower 2.4L I4 6-speed manual FWD

Why the 2006 Acura TSX?

Fuel economy

I get 35mpg when I try to be conservative, I get 27mpg when I driver normally, I get about 25mpg when I get on it.

Reliability & durability

I have only had one problem that was quickly fixed under warranty, and it was not drive train related. Otherwise not a problem.


It does what I tell it to do and I can go to its limits without too much body roll. It is also fantastic just cruising around as it it going around corners.

Why Not the 2006 Acura TSX?

Powertrain performance

Could use a bit more power, I think 20HP and 20lb/ft of torque more would have been ideal and still provide a safe drive without harming fuel economy.

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