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2009 BMW 5-Series Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by jon.p.shaw



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Reviewed: 2009 BMW 5-Series

4dr Sedan 360-horsepower 4.8L V8 6-speed shiftable automatic RWD

Why the 2009 BMW 5-Series?

Why Not the 2009 BMW 5-Series?

Exterior styling

Odd design, also soon to be revamped with the 2010 model.

Discounts & incentives

BMW seems to offer few incentives on the 550i, and my local dealers were unwilling to discount significantly.

Controls and instruments

Idrive interface is ackward.

Ride smoothness

With the sport package the 550i I drove handled exceptionally well, but the ride was jarring on rough roads (which are very common in New York).

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