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Chrysler 300 MPG

MPG Number of Vehicles
13 miles per gallon 8 vehicles
14 miles per gallon 3 vehicles
15 miles per gallon 7 vehicles
16 miles per gallon 7 vehicles
17 miles per gallon 14 vehicles
18 miles per gallon 12 vehicles
19 miles per gallon 20 vehicles
20 miles per gallon 13 vehicles
21 miles per gallon 12 vehicles
22 miles per gallon 5 vehicles
23 miles per gallon 2 vehicles
24 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
25 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
26 miles per gallon 2 vehicles
27 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
Model Year Body/Powertrain MPG  
2006 2006 4dr Sedan 340-hp 5.7L V8 5-sp shiftable automatic AWD 17.55
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With the 363-horsepower 5.7L V8 engine, 8-speed shiftable automatic transmission, and all-wheel drive, the 2006 Chrysler 300 has been averaging 17.55 MPG (miles per gallon).

The 2006 Chrysler 300s in this analysis were driven mostly on the highway at an average speed of 80 miles per hour (about 37.5 percent of the miles driven). The rest of the miles were in the city (12.5 percent), in heavy traffic (7.5 percent), and in the suburbs (0 percent).

In addition, the average 2006 Chrysler 300 in this analysis was driven on flat terrain with a medium foot and the AC not used at all.
2006 2006 4dr Sedan 363-hp 5.7L V8 5-sp shiftable automatic RWD 18.3
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2006 2006 4dr Sedan 250-hp 3.5L V6 5-sp shiftable automatic AWD 17.08
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2006 2006 4dr Sedan 425-hp 6.1L V8 5-sp shiftable automatic RWD 17.1
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2006 2006 4dr Sedan 250-hp 3.5L V6 5-sp shiftable automatic RWD 22.6
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What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the 2006 Chrysler 300

2006 Chrysler 300 Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2005 4dr Sedan 340-horsepower 5.7L V8
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
The MDS allows decent fuel economy for the super-quick acceleration and fun to drive factor of a large 8 cylinder engine. see full Chrysler 300 review
2006 Chrysler 300 Real Gas Mileage: Cons
2007 4dr Sedan 350-horsepower 5.7L V8
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
Like any high performance vehicle, too much use of the throttle is--EXPENSIVE! see full Chrysler 300 review
2006 4dr Sedan 340-horsepower 5.7L V8
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
city averaging 12-13. highway only averaging 20-21 see full Chrysler 300 review
2006 4dr Sedan 340-horsepower 5.7L V8
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
Are you kidding me? Its a HEMI. see full Chrysler 300 review
2006 4dr Sedan 340-horsepower 5.7L V8
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
Expected fuel economy to be closer to 17 mpg in city driving. see full Chrysler 300 review
2006 4dr Sedan 340-horsepower 5.7L V8
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
From a social conscious view the 19 MPG AVG is poor, especially with gas costing $4 a gal. But face it, considering the performance you get... I can live with the guilt and high cost of driving. see full Chrysler 300 review
2005 4dr Sedan 250-horsepower 3.5L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
18 mpg city and 31 mpg highway in Canadian gallons. U.S. would be 0.8 of the value. see full Chrysler 300 review

2006 Chrysler 300 Gas Mileage (MPG)

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Chrysler 300's real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.