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2005 GMC Yukon Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by truedelta



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Reviewed: 2005 GMC Yukon

4dr SUV 335-horsepower 6.0L V8 4-speed automatic AWD

Why the 2005 GMC Yukon?

Driving position & visibility

High seat position makes it easier to see beyond all edges of the vehicle. This makes it deceptively easy to park and maneuver.

Front seat room

Plenty of room for driver to stretch legs. Makes long trips easier

Front seat support & comfort

Seat is very configurable. Easy to find a comfortable position.

Rear seat room & comfort

Captains chairs might be more comfortable than front seats. 3rd row is essentially useless. Remove the seats for extra storage space


Very responsive when needed, but slight sdjustments in steering position are ignored. Makes long trips easier.

Why Not the 2005 GMC Yukon?

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