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2001 GMC Yukon Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by Rennvader



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Reviewed: 2001 GMC Yukon

4dr SUV 320-horsepower 6.0L V8 4-speed automatic AWD

Why the 2001 GMC Yukon?

Reliability & durability

11 years 187,000 miles and the only thing I have ever had to change besides regular wear/maintenance itemswas a water pump, rear a/c evaporator, 2 window regulators.Extremely comfortable, luxurious,great styling and extremely economical.Power and operationis strong as always.

Fuel economy

Overall 14.2 MPG. In town 14 MPG, on the interstate 18 MPG @ 65 mph, 16 MPG @ 75-80 mph. Would probably have better mileage with more gears than the 4 speed auto but overall a pretty efficient powertrain considering power and weight.

Why Not the 2001 GMC Yukon?

Feature availability

Bluetooth streaming and NAV were not offered. This could possibly be remedied by a high quality after-market radio system but factory Bose still sounds great and have not invested time to research replacements.


Great, durable powerful vehicle that can be used for luxury travelling or towing duties. Being a 2001, the electronics lag behind offerings in new vehicles but also far less things to break.

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