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2013 Infiniti JX Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Buying car by darylmiller



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Amazing 3rd row seats!! Best seating of SUV class with a 6 cyl. engine with great gas mileage.
rnComfortable all around vehicle.

Reviewed: 2013 Infiniti JX

4dr SUV 265-horsepower 3.5L V6 6-speed shiftable CVT AWD

Why the 2013 Infiniti JX?

Rear seat room & comfort

Amazing rear seat comfort and even 3rd row seats are awesome!! I am 6'4" (with a longer torso) and I can get in the car easy, and sit comfortably in the 3rd row!! Great DVD system and air climate control for the rear seated passangers.

Feature availability

Voice command system for "hands-free" cell phone use is TERRIBLE. The worst system I have ever seen. Infiniti should take a cue from Toyota (4runner) and integrate a straight forward system. I hope they upgrade the hands-free cell phone software in future models, and hopefully can update our first year production car.

Front seat support & comfort

Awesome. Great layout of everything. The most comfortable seats I have ever sat in. Great for long drives over 3 hours. I wish my Toyota 4unner seats were as comfortable; they are only good for about 1 hour, max.

Powertrain performance

CVT tech is actually nice. I like the fact JX35 has a timing chain instead of timing belt. Less repair maintenance.

Why Not the 2013 Infiniti JX?

Materials & workmanship

Few little issues that I was able to fix myself, but overall the quality is ABOVE AVERAGE for price of vehicle.


Considered Lexus RX....too small and undersized screen monitor, no 3rd row seats, archaic parking system, and worse gas mileage than JX35. Acura MDX was even smaller than the Lexus RX......enough said.

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