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2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by dcnaatz



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Reviewed: 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee

4dr SUV 235-horsepower 4.7L V8 5-speed shiftable automatic AWD w/low range

Why the 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee?


Superb 4WD system and overall road handling and feeling of safety at all times in all weather conditions.

Discounts & incentives

Fall 07 got $4k rebate and over $4k more, but 2H08 now get even more discounts due to mid side Jeep labeled as SUV with very slow sales (the 07 model 4.7L V8 gets 20mpg at 70mph driving but lower in town)

Past personal experience

Owned a 2001, had good luck with it.

Dealer practices

Have bought 6 cars from this dealer with good service experience.

Why Not the 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee?

Fuel economy

20mpg at 70 mph is adequate but not great. 14mpg average suburban city driving.

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