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2008 Lexus IS Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by ****dheinz1

A member in New York, United States


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Reviewed: 2008 Lexus IS

4dr Sedan 204-horsepower 2.5L V6 6-speed shiftable automatic AWD

Why the 2008 Lexus IS?

Reliability & durability

Very very reliable and will remain so for a long time.

Safety & braking

Extremely safe car, has done very well in crash tests. Loaded with safety features and stability control is quite effective.

Exterior styling

Looks great, everyone seems to like it pretty well.

Ride smoothness

Very composed ride. Can be a tad jarring over very large bumps because of its low profile, but in general it is an excellent ride.

Why Not the 2008 Lexus IS?

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