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2004 Mazda Mazda6 Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Good practical car, and good looking too! by imtomjohnston



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I've had this car for six years and it now has 200K miles on it. other than the ugly color the lines and interior styling are much better than Camry or Accord. Some quirks, but overall I'd recommend it if you are looking for a family sedan with a sporty flair.

Reviewed: 2004 Mazda Mazda6

4dr Sedan 220-horsepower 3.0L V6 5-speed shiftable automatic FWD

Why the 2004 Mazda Mazda6?

Why Not the 2004 Mazda Mazda6?

Fuel economy

Not real happy with MPG. I get around 25 on the highway, about the same as my Pontiac Montana I used to own.

Audio & nav systems

Not impressed with audio quality. Custom center stack doesn't allow for aftermarket electronics (without a lot of work).

Front seat support & comfort

I don't find it a very comfortable car for trips over about an hour.

Color choices



Tires frequently pop a bead seal (17" alloy rims). PITA but Discount Tire (shameless plug) has on a couple of occasions fixed it for free.

Other Features of the 2004 Mazda Mazda6

Powertrain performance

I have almost 200K miles on the car and the reliability has been very good. Obviously some wear and tear is to be expected but the car seems like it will go for another 50K or so.

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