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2012 Mercedes-Benz E-Class (2-door) Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Mercedes E350 Covertible is a gem by Rootmann



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My wife and I have had a series of different convertibles over the past 20 years. We recently traded in our BMW 650i convertible for a 2012 MB E350 convertible. Although the BMW was much faster, powerful and handled better, we are finding the Benz much more to our liking. It is a supremely comfortable day in/day out touring type car with more than enough power. Actually, it is deceptively quick and shocks many Mustang/Camaro drivers as we pull away from them with ease!!! Although it won't run with Corvettes, it'll run with most other cars.

Mercedes has done an ourstanding job with this design for two retirees. The seats are quite comfortable for me, a very large Italian Philly boy. On long trips, the seats are just as comfortable as other E's we've owned in the past. Although a rag top, it is exceedingly quiet. I tend to enjoy "cleaning the fuel injectors out" as my wife likes to say!!!! MPG is north of 20 around local and north of 30 on the highway. That I must admit is a shocker to us, although we didn't buy this as a fuel saver.

Highly recommend this to anyone that wants a convertible that is comfortable, powerful and fun to drive. I must admit I wasn't sure if we'd be happy with this after the BMW, but hey.... Kudos to the Mercedes folks for making an outstanding touring car. a must look if you are considering a BMW 3 or 4 series of Audi A5. I think it's all matter of if you want more sport or luxury ride/handling as to what you purchase. For us, we made the right call, although I'm sure we'd have been happy with an A5 or 435 too!!! The Ford Mustang was a surprise when we test drove it, but no where near as refined as this girl.... Thanks MB!!!

Reviewed: 2012 Mercedes-Benz E-Class (2-door)

2dr Convertible 302-horsepower 3.5L V6 7-speed shiftable automatic RWD

2012 Mercedes-Benz E-Class (2-door) Love Letter

The Quartz Blue color gets the most comments of any car we've ever had. What's not to like about the E350 exterior stying??? One of the most beautiful cars on the road, period.


This one could end up being in the garage for a really long time!!! It's 3 bears great... JUST RIGHTTTTTT......

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