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2014 Scion iQ Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by tiggertiffin87



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Reviewed: 2014 Scion iQ

2dr Hatch 94-horsepower 1.3L I4 CVT FWD

Why the 2014 Scion iQ?

Exterior styling

Small but very unique looking car. Guaranteed you'll get looks in this car.

Interior styling

For two people it's the perfect size. Lots of legroom, great cargo space (with the seats down). Though if you need to carry a third person it'll start to get cramped.

Fuel economy

I pretty much have been ignoring the ECO light lately just to see what my MPG is, and I've been getting an average of 35. Pretty close to the 36/37.


Such a responsive car. Responds very well for quick tight turns, awesome for parallel parking too.

Driving position & visibility

Compared to my 2009 Kia Spectra I sit up higher and can see much better than the Kia.

Why Not the 2014 Scion iQ?

Ride smoothness

It doesn't like to be driven over substantial speed bumps, you HAVE to slow down or suffer some serious jolting.

Cargo capacity

The "cargo" area with the seats up is pretty much a joke. But with the seats down it's awesome. If only 2 people are ever in the car then cargo capacity isn't something to worry about since you can put the seats down. More than that though, and you'll have to get creative.

Other Features of the 2014 Scion iQ

Warranty, maintenance cost

Scion offers 2 years of Service Boost which means $0 out of pocket for service needs those two years. I opted to extend it to 5 years, which means I won't have to pay anything for 5 years for scheduled maintenance on my car.

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