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2008 Volvo S80 Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by omair.mustafa



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Reviewed: 2008 Volvo S80

4dr Sedan 235-horsepower 3.2L I6 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

Why the 2008 Volvo S80?

Safety & braking

It is one of the safest cars of the world if not the safest. As a person who has to travel a lot on the highways for business development, I was highly impressed by braking distance, control and all the safety features included in the car as standard.

Front seat support & comfort

Had heard that the seats of the car were amongst the most comfortable and they really are. Not to mention the adaptability to body contour, especially as I am on the bit healthier side. The control panel layout and other gadgets are aesthetically laid out

Reliability & durability

Have almost completed 11 months. Till now no major breakdown or service requirements... Will be able to comment after 24 months of use. However, preventive maintenance cost stings a bit

Exterior styling

Volvo s80 used to be a car for older people As a young person of age 26, I was impressed by the new shape that they have launched prompting me to actually go out and buy the car that I admired as a brand but loathed due to lack of styling

Interior styling

Again, the elegant interior is well laid out keeping in mind the human interaction and safety factors with all the little nitty gritties kept in mind.

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