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TrueDelta | Press Releases

Updated Car Reliability Survey stats--which 2011s are doing well?

West Bloomfield, MI May 31, 2011 -- TrueDelta received a record number of responses to April's Car Reliability Survey--over 22,000. Updated car reliability stats have been posted to the site for 559 cars, up from 534 three month ago. There are partial results for another 418. These stats include car owner experiences through the end of March 2011, making them at least eleven months ahead of other sources.

Highlights among new 2011s:

--the repair frequency for the Ford Fiesta continues to worsen--it's the highest among the 2011s for which we have a statistic--while the Jeep Grand Cherokee also appears to have more than the average number of problems

--the BMW 5-Series seems about average so far, but BMWs sometimes require few repairs for the first year or so then take a turn for the worse

--the Honda CR-Z and Toyota Sienna appear to rarely require repairs

There are also updated statistics for the percentage of cars that required no repairs or 3+ repair trips in the past year. These statistics can be more useful than the averages.

To view the updated results:

Car Reliability Survey results


About TrueDelta.com:

Owners of over 84,000 cars have joined TrueDelta.com to share information on reliability, real-world fuel economy, and their reasons for buying a particular car. Enthusiastic support from car owner forums, including BimmerForums, Fiesta Faction, and JeepGarage.org, helped make the above results possible. In return for their participation, car owners receive full access to TrueDelta.com, for free.

Car owners can view the latest survey results and become involved at TrueDelta.com. Journalists interested in keeping up with TrueDelta's updates are encouraged to request a media account.