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TrueDelta's Nada-odds: can a glass be one-third full?

West Bloomfield, MI November 30, 2010 -- TrueDelta received a record number of responses to October's Car Reliability Survey--nearly 19,000. Updated car reliability stats have been posted to the site for 488 cars, up from 459 three month ago. There are partial results for another 370.

These stats cover through the end of September 2010. Other sources of car reliability information will not cover the third quarter of 2010 until the summer or even fall of next year.

Among early 2011s, TrueDelta now has full results for the Hyundai Sonata and Kia Sorento. Though in its first model year, the thoroughly redesigned Sonata has been better than average. This is not a given for Hyundai--the Genesis sedan with tech package and the Genesis Coupe both had glitchy first years. The Sorento has been about average so far.

The site will have full results for a few more 2011s with the next update, in February. Early data on the Ford Fiesta is not good.

TrueDelta also has updated "nada-odds" and "lemon-odds" stats. These report the percentage of cars with no repairs and the percentage with 3+ repair trips in the past year, respectively. Among the covered 2010s, the Aud Q5 and Hyundai Genesis Coupe were the most likely to require repairs, and by a substantial margin. Only 35 percent of Q5 owners and 42 percent of Gen Coupe owners reported no repairs. The Jaguar XF would likely join them t the bottom if enough owners had responded for it.

Or is the glass one-third full? Even with the worst 2010 (by this stat), owners' odds of a repair-free car were better than one in three. Look at much older cars, and even with the worst (the 2001 Volvo S60 and V70) the chances of a repair-free car are about one in four. This explains why, whenever a model gets a poor reliability rating, plenty of owners can honestly claim they've had no problems. On the other hand, with the most reliable models (Toyota Prius, Toyota Yaris, Honda Insight, Honda Fit, Honda CR-V) the chances of a repair-free car are about nine in ten.

Only among the least reliable cars (generally 8+ years old and European) are your odds of 3+ repair trips in a year greater than one in ten.

To view the updated results:

Car Reliability Survey results


About TrueDelta.com:

Owners of over 78,000 cars have joined TrueDelta.com to share information on reliability, real-world fuel economy, and their reasons for buying a particular car. Enthusiastic support from car owner forums, including AudiWorld, Fiesta Faction, FitFreak.net, Genesis Owners, Matthew's Volvo Site, PriusChat, and Sorentosite, helped make the above results possible. In return for their participation, car owners receive full access to TrueDelta.com, for free.

Car owners can view the latest survey results and become involved at TrueDelta.com. Journalists interested in keeping up with TrueDelta's updates are encouraged to request a media account.