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2004 Cadillac CTS Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by ccclarke1958



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Reviewed: 2004 Cadillac CTS

4dr Sedan 400-horsepower 5.7L V8 6-speed manual RWD

Why the 2004 Cadillac CTS?

Powertrain performance

In stock trim, this car is a little monster! It has enough torque to snap your head back and smoke the tires. Tough to find a car that can blow its doors off, though many try.


Without any modifications, this car rides on rails and excels on twisty mountain roads. Just sheer pleasure to take for a spirited drive. As well handling as anything out there and a bargain in its price range.

Why Not the 2004 Cadillac CTS?

Reliability & durability

Rear end failures started popping up early on this model. I knew it when I bought it, so I nver do hard launches off the line. You are a begging for a blown rear end if you do. FACT: GM knowingly under-engineered the materials for the torque output.

Ride smoothness

This car does not have the typical "Caddy" ride many expect. While the ride is more comfortable than most cars I drive, (I rent cars 6 mo a year) it gets a little harsh when the road becomes rough. The run-flat tires have much stiffer sidewalls.

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