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2006 Ford Escape Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by apothecaryman87

A member in California, United States


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Reviewed: 2006 Ford Escape

4dr SUV 200-horsepower 3.0L V6 4-speed automatic FWD

Why the 2006 Ford Escape?

Reliability & durability

Looking for a small SUV to replace my 1990 Toyota PU. Do not buy cars often. Consumer report rated Ford Escape high on reliability. Rented this vehicle and drove from Reno to Lake Tahoe. Enjoyed the ride. Bought used only 2 yrs old, 17k, 1/2 off MSRP.

Exterior styling

Liked the overall styling of this vehicle. Sits high off the ground. Roomy with full vision of road.

Driving position & visibility



Handles well.

Why Not the 2006 Ford Escape?

Fuel economy

Knew it was not going to be great with V6. After several fillups averages around 19.4 mile per gal.


Engine is noisy on acceleration. Ford salesman states that newer 2009 models have more insulation in the passenger cabin and thicker insulating glass. Also have 6 speed automatic vs. my 4 speed auto. However not complaining due to overall price bought.

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