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2006 Ford Explorer Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by *sneakye

A member in Texas, United States


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Reviewed: 2006 Ford Explorer

4dr SUV 292-horsepower 4.6L V8 6-speed automatic RWD

Why the 2006 Ford Explorer?

Powertrain performance

The V8 mated to the 6 speed transmission is powerful and smooth. You never have to push the engine hard unless you really want to.


It is quieter than most cars I have driven. The interior is isolated very well from engine and road noise.

Cargo capacity

Lots of space and enough towing capacity for most needs.

Price or payments

With discounts it is very reasonably priced for what you get.

Reliability & durability

The expected life span of the vehicle is longer than most cars. It is built on a solid frame that will take a lot of abuse.

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