Engine (34%)
Transmission and Drivetrain (9%)
Brakes and Traction Control (2%)
Suspension and Steering (7%)
Electrical and Air Conditioning (24%)
Paint, Rust, Leaks, Rattles, and Trim (14%)
Other (10%)
$2500+ (0%)
$1000 - $2499 (8%)
$500 - $999 (17%)
$100 - $499 (17%)
< $100 (58%)
turbocharged 160hp 2.2L I4 Diesel 6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
71300 mi | Rear right bearing |
230-horsepower 3.2L I6 6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
51140 mi C $240 |
Front left coil spring is broken |
125240 mi C $345 |
Changed right front strut and coil spring |
135160 mi C $960 |
replaced rear shock absorber |
32240 mi $750 |
Power Steering pump blow out !!! |
118000 mi US $1200 |
Rear wheel bearings and inner bearings needed to be replaced |
13411 mi | lost power steering.fluid coming out of the high pressure connection at the power steering pump.oring is deteriorated,oring replaced refill fluid and bleed system |
10000 mi | Power Steering Pump failure due to hose leak. Dealer replaced power steering pump and hose covered under warranty. |
22000 mi | Battery refill line was installed wrong at last maint. Battery overflowed and corroded break and steering components. Had to replace. |
12000 mi | Very stiff steering @ parking speeds. Dealer replaced power steering pump. |
4960 mi | Leaking fluid. Dealership found damaged power steering hose and replaced it and depleted fluid |
8000 mi | Dull rattle emanating from right rear suspension during normal driving. Dealer diagnosed issue as defective strut. Strut replaced, car is fine. |
16021 mi | Repair - power steering went out. Car towed to dealer. Feed line refit and steering rack/box replaced. Also performed recall for sunroof and 18 month service. |