Lexus GS Lexus GS 2017

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Lexus GS Price (MSRP)

The sticker prices, before adjusting for remaining feature differences. Usually these are the numbers you will see on the window stickers.

Models in short supply often sell at or even above these prices.

Lexus GS Invoice

Total Price: $54,955   
Total Invoice: $51,102   

Calculate Payments

  Down Payment Interest Rate Term
Model Year2017
Trim200t F Sport
Body4dr Sedan
Base Price $53,980
Base Invoice $50,127
Navigation system 0
Navigation system 0
Options (change) 0
Options (change) 0
Destination 975
Total Price $54,955
Total Invoice $51,102

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While we strive for accuracy, the site is not error-free, and prices can change at any time.

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Features: Lexus GS

Model Year2017
Trim200t F Sport
Body4dr Sedan
Transmission and Drivetrain 
8-speed manually-shiftable automatic$1300

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Specifications: Lexus GS

Model Year2017
Body4dr Sedan
Wheelbase112.2 in
Length192.1 in
Width72.4 in
Height57.3 in
Curb Weight3,805 lb.
Fuel Capacity17.4 gal.
Row 1 Headroom38.0 in
Row 1 Shoulder Room57.3 in
Row 1 Hip Room54.5 in
Row 1 Legroom42.3 in
Row 2 Headroom37.8 in
Row 2 Shoulder Room55.7 in
Row 2 Hip Room54.1 in
Row 2 Legroom36.8 in
Cargo Volume16.2 ft3

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Option Package Details
Lexus GS 200t F Sport

Navigation system
Navigation system600Yes
DVD-compatible player0No
Voice control for nav and audio75No
Speed limit information0No
Vehicle health reports0No
App support0No
Total Requested60089%
Total Not Requested7511%

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