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2004 Lexus RX Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by sonztwin



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Reviewed: 2004 Lexus RX

4dr SUV 230-horsepower 3.3L V6 5-speed automatic FWD

Why the 2004 Lexus RX?

Brand reputation & image

Remains one of the best luxury values around with cache. You get a lot when you get an RX, but give up only a little bit of handling and gas mileage. Why would anyone want to buy a highlander instead of this???

Exterior styling

Smart, elegant, predominantly feminine but not overly so. Smart clean lines that are pleasing to the eye.

Interior styling

Well appointed and thought out - luxurious beyond the price-tag.

Price or payments

Best value luxury brand SUV bar none.

Materials & workmanship

Quality of all the materials are good. Compare the lovely wood trim they provide standard with, say, Porsche and the over-a-grand price tag for every item with wood on it. No brainer.

Why Not the 2004 Lexus RX?


This is a stupid SUV after all. Dances all over the road, but what do you expect!?

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