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2010 Mazda Mazda5 Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by ljmattox



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Reviewed: 2010 Mazda Mazda5

4dr Minivan 153-horsepower 2.3L I4 5-speed manual FWD

Why the 2010 Mazda Mazda5?

Powertrain performance

Mazda offers a 5sp manual in this vehicle; underpinned by Mazda 3 mechanicals, it's a blast to drive! For a 2.3l 4-cyl, it's amazingly tractable, and has no difficulty merging/passing...or maintaining 80+ on western highways, if called for!

Cargo capacity

Holds a 31-inch dog crate. You'd be surprised at the numbers of SUVs that cannot!


Small turning circle, nimbleness for a van-like vehicle.

Fuel economy

Impressive considering all this vehicle can do (carry six, or a bunch of stuff). Driven with some restraint (60-65), I can average 30+ mpg on my weekly commute. With a microvan that can seat six.

Fuel economy

Impressive considering all this vehicle can do (carry six, or a bunch of stuff). Driven with some restraint (60-65), I can average 30+ mpg on my weekly commute. With a microvan that can seat six.

Why Not the 2010 Mazda Mazda5?

Feature availability

There are likely few takers for a Mazda 5 with manual transmission; so it makes sense Mazda would only offer it on their "Sport" model. Would have been nice to be able to order a full-luxe Grand Touring with manual.

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