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2010 Mazda Mazda5 Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by Hurschel



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Reviewed: 2010 Mazda Mazda5

4dr Minivan 153-horsepower 2.3L I4 5-speed shiftable automatic FWD

Why the 2010 Mazda Mazda5?

Exterior styling

Well porportioned, view of the front is bold and sporty.


It is crisp, corners flat, firm without being brutal, corners flat, quick steering, just a lot of fun to drive around corners fast.

Driving position & visibility

The seat height is good, making it easy to get in and out of even for old bones. Seat gives good support and holds me in place when zooming around turns.

Cargo capacity

I like the ability to configure the rear for people or cargo, more room inside than it looks like from the outside.

This review was originally a two-car comparison review. Read the other half here.

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