Worried about potential repair costs? An extended warranty can provide peace of mind.
Chart based on 26 repair trips. The repair cost chart excludes repairs made under warranty, do-it-yourself repairs, and repair trips that include maintenance.
Drivers seat belt buckle lock would silently disengage seatbelt without warning WHILE DRIVING. A warning light did come up on the dash for the airbag which was diagnosed by the dealership.
Tilt steering wheel stuck in highest position. A screw inside the tilt mechanism was repaired under warranty.
26600 mi
Tilt steering wheel stuck again in up position. Dealer repaired under warranty.
71000 mi
Driver seat loose at 71k miles and was popping during regular driving. Replaced entire front driver seat assembly 204-910-75-36 and driver seat feels firm and new again.
Windshield washer reservoir was leaking - replaced rubber seal around the heater module for the windshield washer fluid.
23000 mi
Tailgate wiper motor quit working. Dealer replaced wiper motor under warranty.
14880 mi
Driver's side front seat - motor gearing for adjusting seat broke. Seat was usable but seat back was a bit wobbly and couldn't be fully reclineed. Entire seat back needed replacement.
lumbar control faulty valve for air bladder.
Parts ordered for April 15 2010
2480 mi
lumbar fully extended, would not release
5000 mi
Windshield washer pump failed/repaired under warranty.
30000 mi
My spouse mentioned to our service advisor that the driver's visor wouldn't stay in position very long before sagging down and she wanted to know if there was a way to tighten it up. To my surprise, the dealership replaced both under warranty!
15000 mi
Windshield Washers didn't squirt liquid. Replaced filters and pumps.
22000 mi
Rear lift gate failed to open sometimes. Lift gate mechanism replaced.
13000 mi
flat tire caused by a corroded air valve stem of one of the tires.
33000 mi
engine cover replaced because a hold-down clip came off or broke off, under warranty
57500 mi
US $800
windshield wiper reservoir (plastic bottle) was leaking so had it replaced.
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