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2008 Nissan Sentra Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by therosingleb

A member in Massachusetts, United States


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Reviewed: 2008 Nissan Sentra

4dr Sedan 140-horsepower 2.0L I4 CVT FWD

Why the 2008 Nissan Sentra?

Exterior styling

Bold body lines, front end looks a bit more "grown up" from previous models and resembles the other larger Nissan sedans while staying youthful with the euro-style rear lights. Rear deck spoiler adds appeal to the truck area which is otherwise bland.


Turns great, response is great, manuvers pretty quickly with good control and stability overall.

Interior styling

Larger interior from previous models, new radio and gauge layout is great, leather seats are comfy and supportive. USEFUL CUPHOLDERS AND CONSOLE unlike last-gen model.

Feature availability

Wide range of features, keyless ignition and door controls are helpful. SL Model equipped with Bluetooth phone system and improved audio controls on Steering Wheel

Audio & nav systems

Rockford Fosgate system is also improved over previous model (comparing to 2005 sentra Special edition, my former vehicle). Finally MP3-CD compatible and XM-ready

Why Not the 2008 Nissan Sentra?

Ride smoothness

Stock suspension is nothing to write home about. Bumps can sometimes seem violent or damaging when listening from inside the vehicle. Otherwise it is not bad, but for the money I was expecting better.

Driving position & visibility

Visibility is the biggest concern for me. Side mirrors are a bit too small and leave you with large blind spots, forcing you to turn your head around to change lanes most of the time. Taller people will not like the sun visors blocking half of the view.

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