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Toyota 4Runner vs. Porsche Panamera MPG

The graph does not display if there are fewer than five results.
Chart is based on 289 fuel economy reports for the Toyota 4Runner and 4 fuel economy reports for the Porsche Panamera.

Toyota 4Runner MPG

Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2016 19.9 MPG Highway Percentage 74 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2015 17.0 MPG Highway Percentage 95 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2014 19.4 MPG Highway Percentage 73 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2013 17.8 MPG Highway Percentage 80 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2013 19.5 MPG Highway Percentage 51 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2013 20.1 MPG Highway Percentage 48 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2011 20.9 MPG Highway Percentage 9 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2011 21.6 MPG Highway Percentage 65 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2010 22.9 MPG Highway Percentage 81 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2010 20.2 MPG Highway Percentage 57 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2010 20.5 MPG Highway Percentage 71 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2009 19.4 MPG Highway Percentage 20 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2009 22.3 MPG Highway Percentage 80 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2009 20.7 MPG Highway Percentage 0 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2008 17.5 MPG Highway Percentage 75 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2008 23.4 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2008 20.6 MPG Highway Percentage 58 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2007 16.5 MPG Highway Percentage 41 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2007 16.9 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2007 19.5 MPG Highway Percentage 51 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2006 19.2 MPG Highway Percentage 100 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2006 16.7 MPG Highway Percentage 33 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2006 24.0 MPG Highway Percentage 75 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2006 18.6 MPG Highway Percentage 36 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2005 20.0 MPG Highway Percentage 47 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2005 17.6 MPG Highway Percentage 41 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2005 21.8 MPG Highway Percentage 33 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2005 19.0 MPG Highway Percentage 32 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2004 18.4 MPG Highway Percentage 42 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2004 18.0 MPG Highway Percentage 70 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2004 17.1 MPG Highway Percentage 60 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2003 20.6 MPG Highway Percentage 15 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2003 19.4 MPG Highway Percentage 47 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2003 18.1 MPG Highway Percentage 35 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2003 17.2 MPG Highway Percentage 65 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2002 19.0 MPG Highway Percentage 35 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2002 18.8 MPG Highway Percentage 24 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2001 19.2 MPG Highway Percentage 30 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2000 19.5 MPG Highway Percentage 100 percent Toyota 4Runner Toyota 4Runner 2000 18.0 MPG Highway Percentage 50 percent
Year Body/Powertrain flat, hilly, or mountainousLand driving style: very light to "lead foot"Foot A/C use: none to heavyA/C constant stop and goTraf % many stops per mileCity % stop every mile or twoSub % fairly steady speedHwy % Hwy Spd MPG
2016 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range
flat light light 0 10 16 74 63 19.9  
2015 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range
flat med hvy 5 0 0 95 75 17.0  
2014 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range
flat med none 0 0 27 73 68 19.4  
2013 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light light 0 10 10 80 65 17.8  
2013 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range
hills light none 4 9 36 51 45 19.5  
2013 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD w/low range
hills light light 1 20 31 48 66 20.1  
2011 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range
flat light none 10 1 80 9 60 20.9  
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2011 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD w/low range
hills light none 5 10 20 65 110 21.6  
2010 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic RWD
flat light none 0 16 3 81 65 22.9  
2010 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range
flat med light 2 18 24 57 68 20.2  
2010 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD w/low range
flat light light 10 9 10 71 69 20.5  
2009 4dr SUV 260-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
flat med light 5 25 50 20 70 19.4  
2009 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic RWD
hills light hvy 0 20 0 80 70 22.3  
2009 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
hills light none 1 5 94 0 0 20.7  
2008 4dr SUV 260-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
hills light light 2 6 17 75 63 17.5  
2008 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic RWD
flat light light 0 0 30 70 60 23.4  
2008 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
flat med light 14 14 14 58 68 20.6  
2007 4dr SUV 260-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
flat med light 12 40 7 41 93 16.5  
2007 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic RWD
hills med none 0 60 0 40 55 16.9  
2007 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
flat light none 9 16 24 51 65 19.5  
2006 4dr SUV 260-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic RWD
flat light none 0 0 0 100 75 19.2  
2006 4dr SUV 260-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
flat med none 3 47 17 33 73 16.7  
2006 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic RWD
flat light hvy 0 15 10 75 65 24.0  
2006 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
flat light none 2 20 42 36 64 18.6  
2005 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic RWD
flat light light 13 12 28 47 62 20.0  
2005 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
hills light light 9 28 22 41 64 17.6  
2005 4dr SUV 245-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic RWD
flat light hvy 27 12 28 33 63 21.8  
2005 4dr SUV 245-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
flat med none 7 40 22 32 74 19.0  
2004 4dr SUV 245-horsepower 4.0L V6
4-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
flat med light 6 23 29 42 70 18.4  
2004 4dr SUV 235-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic RWD
hills light hvy 5 5 20 70 60 18.0  
2004 4dr SUV 235-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
flat light none 4 15 21 60 89 17.1  
2003 4dr SUV 245-horsepower 4.0L V6
4-speed automatic RWD
hills light light 20 20 45 15 60 20.6  
2003 4dr SUV 245-horsepower 4.0L V6
4-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
hills med light 7 30 16 47 77 19.4  
2003 4dr SUV 235-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic RWD
flat med hvy 5 16 44 35 74 18.1  
2003 4dr SUV 235-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
flat med light 8 15 12 65 74 17.2  
2002 4dr SUV 183-horsepower 3.4L V6
4-speed automatic RWD
hills light hvy 20 25 20 35 70 19.0  
2002 4dr SUV 183-horsepower 3.4L V6
4-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
flat light light 0 34 41 24 75 18.8  
2001 4dr SUV 183-horsepower 3.4L V6
4-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
flat light none 10 30 30 30 110 19.2  
2000 4dr SUV 183-horsepower 3.4L V6
4-speed automatic RWD
flat light none 0 0 0 100 40 19.5  
2000 4dr SUV 183-horsepower 3.4L V6
4-speed automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range
flat light none 5 15 30 50 60 18.0  

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This page shows only averages. See all the Toyota 4Runner fuel economy data.

Porsche Panamera MPG

Porsche Panamera Porsche Panamera 2012 11.3 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent Porsche Panamera Porsche Panamera 2010 31.0 MPG Highway Percentage 85 percent
Year Body/Powertrain flat, hilly, or mountainousLand driving style: very light to "lead foot"Foot A/C use: none to heavyA/C constant stop and goTraf % many stops per mileCity % stop every mile or twoSub % fairly steady speedHwy % Hwy Spd MPG
2012 4dr Hatch 400-horsepower 4.8L V8
7-speed automated manual AWD
hills med none 20 30 10 40 70 11.3  
2010 4dr Hatch 400-horsepower 4.8L V8
7-speed automated manual AWD
flat light light 1 2 12 85 68 31.0  

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This page shows only averages. See all the Porsche Panamera fuel economy data.

Toyota 4Runner vs. Porsche Panamera MPG

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Toyota 4Runner and Porsche Panamera's where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of their real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.

See TrueDelta's information for all SUVs
See TrueDelta's information for all Toyota models and Porsche models.

TrueDelta Reviews the Real Gas Mileage of the Toyota 4Runner

Toyota 4Runner Real Gas Mileage: Cons
2006 The 4Runner's dated powertrain--its automatic transmission is down three gear ratios compared to the Jeep's--and brick-like aerodynamics aren't good for fuel economy. EPA ratings are just 17 city, 21 highway. The Jeep with its V6 engine does the same in city driving, but 3 mpg better on the highway. Plus you can get a diesel engine in the Jeep, and it rates 21/28. In real-world suburban driving, I managed to coax the 4Runner's trip computer average as high as 24.6, but high teens and low 20s were more typical. On the highway the trip computer reported 20.5, close to the EPA rating. see full Toyota 4Runner review

What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the Toyota 4Runner

Toyota 4Runner Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2010 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD w/low range
Mid size and large SUVs are not good on fuel economy. While shopping this market fuel economy was a consideration. Fuel economy is projected at 17 mpg in the city and 22-23 mpg on the highway. This is one of the leaders for vehicles in this class. see full Toyota 4Runner review
2008 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
Higher than average for this size and type of vehicle. see full Toyota 4Runner review
2007 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
Best mileage for a vehicle that can tow 5,000 pounds. 21mpg in the summer for my typical daily driving. see full Toyota 4Runner review
1999 0 Trying to improve MPG above 17 may not happen. The previous owner Beat this poor old 4Runner, only put in a new trans, which is now slipping ever-so-slightly (not low fluid).
Had to put in new exhaust - all, and mass air flow sensor. Maybe that's to be expected at 150k miles, and maybe these problems are more due to owner neglect. Altho I obtained this vehicle as part of a package deal (together with the mobile home I bought), I really wanted to love this truck, but during these firstfew months, so far it's not making me very happy, and I love to drive! Next vehicle will be a standard transmission, before they're all relics from a distant and fading, forgotten past!
see full Toyota 4Runner review
Toyota 4Runner Real Gas Mileage: Cons
2011 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic 4WD, part-time w/low range
Not really bad, but how about a hybrid? A Prius 4runner? see full Toyota 4Runner review
2007 4dr SUV 260-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
Getting an average of 16-17MPG with V8, but I expected that see full Toyota 4Runner review
2007 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
If fuel cost is a concern, then this is definitely not the vehicle to have. Manages 18mpg combined if driven carefully. Does what it does extremely well so nothing unexpected. see full Toyota 4Runner review
2007 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
The dash readout is optimistic. I often though I was getting over 25mpg only to calculate as low as 14--on the highway! Ultimately, this was the 4Runners undoing. I traded it for a much more efficient Camry. see full Toyota 4Runner review
2006 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
Lousy mileage around town. ~ 18. see full Toyota 4Runner review
2006 4dr SUV 236-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic RWD
less than 20 MPG in the city. see full Toyota 4Runner review
2005 4dr SUV 245-horsepower 4.0L V6
5-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
This is obvious see full Toyota 4Runner review
2004 4dr SUV 235-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
I knew going in that it would use a lot, but it still makes me grimace. Still, when we had a foot of new snow and I was driving around stalled and tire-spinning vehicles with absolutely no difficulty (on Michelin all-seasons), you figure that it balances. see full Toyota 4Runner review
2004 4dr SUV 245-horsepower 4.0L V6
4-speed automatic 4WD w/low range
Not that I dislike the 4runners fuel economy, actually for a large sport utility it does pretty good, just done buy a suv if your looking to get good gas mileage. see full Toyota 4Runner review
2004 4dr SUV 235-horsepower 4.7L V8
5-speed automatic AWD w/low range
It uses quite a bit of gas, I average 16 l/ 100km, or roughly about 15 mpg, and I do fair bit of highway driving. see full Toyota 4Runner review

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