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Toyota Prius v vs. Porsche Panamera MPG

The graph does not display if there are fewer than five results.
Chart is based on 71 fuel economy reports for the Toyota Prius v and 4 fuel economy reports for the Porsche Panamera.

Toyota Prius v MPG

Toyota Prius v Toyota Prius v 2014 48.8 MPG Highway Percentage 32 percent Toyota Prius v Toyota Prius v 2013 47.0 MPG Highway Percentage 47 percent Toyota Prius v Toyota Prius v 2012 45.5 MPG Highway Percentage 23 percent
Year Body/Powertrain flat, hilly, or mountainousLand driving style: very light to "lead foot"Foot A/C use: none to heavyA/C constant stop and goTraf % many stops per mileCity % stop every mile or twoSub % fairly steady speedHwy % Hwy Spd MPG
2014 4dr Wagon 98-horsepower 1.8L I4 Hybrid
flat light none 6 29 33 32 72 48.8  
2013 4dr Wagon 98-horsepower 1.8L I4 Hybrid
flat light light 0 1 52 47 56 47.0  
2012 4dr Wagon 98-horsepower 1.8L I4 Hybrid
flat light light 5 25 23 23 67 45.5  

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This page shows only averages. See all the Toyota Prius v fuel economy data.

Porsche Panamera MPG

Porsche Panamera Porsche Panamera 2012 11.3 MPG Highway Percentage 40 percent Porsche Panamera Porsche Panamera 2010 31.0 MPG Highway Percentage 85 percent
Year Body/Powertrain flat, hilly, or mountainousLand driving style: very light to "lead foot"Foot A/C use: none to heavyA/C constant stop and goTraf % many stops per mileCity % stop every mile or twoSub % fairly steady speedHwy % Hwy Spd MPG
2012 4dr Hatch 400-horsepower 4.8L V8
7-speed automated manual AWD
hills med none 20 30 10 40 70 11.3  
2010 4dr Hatch 400-horsepower 4.8L V8
7-speed automated manual AWD
flat light light 1 2 12 85 68 31.0  

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This page shows only averages. See all the Porsche Panamera fuel economy data.

Toyota Prius v vs. Porsche Panamera MPG

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Toyota Prius v and Porsche Panamera's where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of their real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.

See TrueDelta's information for all Wagons
See TrueDelta's information for all Toyota models and Porsche models.

What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the Toyota Prius v

Toyota Prius v Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2017 0 Well, high marks in that catagory, for sure. comfortable seats. see full Toyota Prius v review
2013 4dr Wagon 98-horsepower 1.8L I4 Hybrid
It is a great car. If you take the time to learn about the car,you wil lget better than advertized MPG. After a little more than a year of use,10 gallons will get you 500 miles, if you use the features that are built into the car. see full Toyota Prius v review
2012 4dr Wagon 98-horsepower 1.8L I4 Hybrid
The average mileage [45] (using tank fill gallons and trip meter) is better than the EPA ratings for either city [44] or highway [40]. see full Toyota Prius v review
2012 4dr Wagon 98-horsepower 1.8L I4 Hybrid
40+ mpg. see full Toyota Prius v review
2012 4dr Wagon 98-horsepower 1.8L I4 Hybrid
Great gas mileage for a car of this size. see full Toyota Prius v review

What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the 2001 Porsche Panamera

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