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Volkswagen Beetle MPG

MPG Number of Vehicles
15 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
16 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
17 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
18 miles per gallon 4 vehicles
19 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
20 miles per gallon 3 vehicles
21 miles per gallon 4 vehicles
22 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
23 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
Model Year Body/Powertrain MPG  
2013 2013 2dr Hatch 170-hp 2.5L I5 5-sp manual FWD 19.55
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With the 170-horsepower 2.5L I5 engine, 5-speed manual transmission, and front-wheel drive, the 2013 Volkswagen Beetle has been averaging 19.55 MPG (miles per gallon).

The 2013 Volkswagen Beetles in this analysis were driven mostly in the city (about 20 percent of the miles driven). The rest of the miles were on the highway at an average speed of 60 miles per hour (5 percent), in the suburbs (0 percent), and in heavy traffic (0 percent).

In addition, the average 2013 Volkswagen Beetle in this analysis was driven on flat terrain with a light foot and the AC not used at all.

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TrueDelta Reviews the Real Gas Mileage of the 2013 Volkswagen Beetle

2013 Volkswagen Beetle Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2013 How much difference can a diesel make? The EPA rates the Beetle Convertible's 170-horsepower 2.5-liter gas engine for 21 mpg city, 27 mpg highway. The 140-horsepower (but torqier) 2.0-liter TDI? A much more fuel efficient 28/37. In both cases the lighter hatchback scores a little better. TDI fans claim that the EPA underestimates diesel fuel economy, and they might have a point. While the 2.5's trip computer reported averages in the mid-to-high 20s in suburban driving, the TDI's reported averages in the 40s, even just over 50 with a feather-light right foot and few complete stops. On a 70-mph highway the trip computer reported a two-way average of 38. At lower speeds the TDI should exceed the EPA rating. The Mini and Fiat are considerably smaller, lighter, and less powerful, but with somewhat overwhelmed gas engines they can't match the Beetle's fuel economy (27/35 and 27/34, respectively). Note that diesel fuel tends to cost a little more than regular unleaded, and far fewer stations carry it. see full Volkswagen Beetle review

What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the 2013 Volkswagen Beetle

2013 Volkswagen Beetle Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2012 2dr Hatch turbocharged 200hp 2.0L I4
6-speed automated manual FWD
I have the Beetle for just one month, so canīt say too much yet, but after 500 Km mostly highway driving (from whicharound 100 Km on mountanous roads), it was showing an average of 13.1 Km/ltr. Not bad at all. When i drive into the city, it averages more or less 8.0 Km/ltr. Iīm not a racer, but also not a slow driver. see full Volkswagen Beetle review

2013 Volkswagen Beetle Gas Mileage (MPG)

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Volkswagen Beetle's real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.