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2004 Volkswagen New Beetle Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by rcolin



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Reviewed: 2004 Volkswagen New Beetle

2dr Convertible 115-horsepower 2.0L I4 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

Why Not the 2004 Volkswagen New Beetle?

Reliability & durability

Despite having an extended warranty the vehicle was in the shop so often it became too inconvenient to own.

Materials & workmanship

Had to have some items repaired multiple times.

Fuel economy

Less than 25 mpg.

Powertrain performance

Sluggish response.

Past personal experience

Owned a 2001 New Beetle and had the same reliability problems. Had an extended warranty, but the vehicle was in the shop too frequently to be useful. Purchased the 2004 because it was convertible.

This review was originally a two-car comparison review. Read the other half here.

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