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2005 Volvo V70 Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by waterdog



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Reviewed: 2005 Volvo V70

4dr Wagon 168-horsepower 2.4L I5 5-speed automatic FWD

Why the 2005 Volvo V70?

Safety & braking

Great braking feel and good crash test results, even from the rear, combined with very solid feel.

Reliability & durability

More the durability than reliability. I fully expect the car to go at least 200K, or more. On the reliability end, I have not had any problems whatsoever at 40K, though have heard some repair horror stories about earlier models of this vehicle

Exterior styling

Vertical rear window - creates more room for my dogs. I also like the looks of the car.

Fuel economy

For a heavy car, I am satisfied with 28-30 highway and about 24 overall average.

Why Not the 2005 Volvo V70?


Engine growls at lower speeds, though it is quiet at higher speeds.

Interior styling

Not enough room for miscellaneous stuff, like coins, glasses, etc. Controls, however, are well laid out and generally easy to use (not as well laid out, however, as my Accord)

Front seat support & comfort

I meant to choose the rear seat item. It could use more leg room in the rear. In the process of putting a lot of cargo space and comfortable front seat in a short car, the rear leg room took the hit.

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