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2006 Acura TSX Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by mcoylepw



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Reviewed: 2006 Acura TSX

4dr Sedan 205-horsepower 2.4L I4 6-speed manual FWD

Why the 2006 Acura TSX?

Fuel economy

Fuel economy is generally between 26-30 mpg, and even higher on long highway trips.


Handling is tight; car goes where you want it to go without rolling or pitching.

Front seat support & comfort

This is a very subjective area, but I found the seat comfortable.

Dealer practices

The three Acura dealers I visited did not apply significant pressure, and seemed more concerned with making sure the car was the right one for me.

This review was originally a two-car comparison review. Read the other half here.

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