Mazda Protege Mazda Protege

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Mazda Protege repairs by problem area

Engine (41%)

Transmission and Drivetrain (4%)

Brakes and Traction Control (8%)

Suspension and Steering (22%)

Electrical and Air Conditioning (16%)

Paint, Rust, Leaks, Rattles, and Trim (6%)

Other (2%)

Chart based on 882 repairs.
See TSBs and recalls for the Mazda Protege.

Mazda Protege repair cost distribution

$2500+ (1%)

$1000 - $2499 (7%)

$500 - $999 (16%)

$100 - $499 (41%)

< $100 (34%)

Worried about potential repair costs? An extended warranty can provide peace of mind.

Chart based on 723 repair trips. The repair cost chart excludes repairs made under warranty, do-it-yourself repairs, and repair trips that include maintenance.

Mazda Protege problems by year

1999 - 2000 (11%)

2001 - 2001 (9%)

2002 - 2003 (80%)

Select a model year
Chart based on 898 repair trips.
See TrueDelta's information for all Mazda models.

What Our Members Are Saying about the Personal Experiences of the Mazda Protege

Mazda Protege Personal Experiences: Pros
2003 4dr Sedan turbocharged 170hp 2.0L I4
5-speed manual FWD
I still own a 1992 Protege LX that is still zooming along just fine at a shade over 150k miles. Common sense, bi-weekly maintenance checks, dealer checkups per the manual as well as 3k OCIs insure all my Mazdas will continue to zoom-zoom-zoom! full 2003 Mazda Protege review

Mazda Protege Problems and Repair Histories

See our lemon odds and nada odds page to see vehicles with no repairs or vehicles with more than three repairs. To see how frequently Mazda Protege problems occur, check out our car reliability stats.