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2007 BMW 3-Series Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by calstanisch



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Reviewed: 2007 BMW 3-Series

4dr Sedan 230-horsepower 3.0L I6 6-speed shiftable automatic AWD

Why the 2007 BMW 3-Series?

Why Not the 2007 BMW 3-Series?

Safety & braking

The Braking to so sensitive, it is hard to know when or how much it will brake. When did BMW screw up their enjoyable driving experience. My 1986 3 series was great, as was my 1998 5 series. This 2007 3 series was terrible & is now history.

Front seat room

Too small & cramped. Fit and finish was much less desirable than my past 1998 5 series BMW.

Price or payments

Too expensive for what you get. Even used the price is not worth the lack of styling, and undesirable & upredicable accelarator & shifting, and sensitive unpredicable braking.

Color choices

Very limited color choices, Black, grey or silver. Not much selection nor good color combinations.

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