I personally think they still look sharp, even after all these years. I own an XLT model that came with a chrome grill standard. No other chrome on the rest of the vehicle. It would look better with a body color matching grill.

I personally think they still look sharp, even after all these years. I own an XLT model that came with a chrome grill standard. No other chrome on the rest of the vehicle. It would look better with a body color matching grill.
Even though I've never really cared for the four cylinder engine, (it's noisy, idles rough, and needs more torque) the truckhas been stone reliable for 57000 miles. It's never been back to a dealer or repair shop for any reason. I run Mobil 1 with regular (5000 miles) changes. I average 22 mpg with combined driving and have gotten a high of 30 mpg twice on the interstate driving 75 mph with a strong tailwind!
My big dislike is the interior space. With the supercab and two doors, the space behind the seats is almost inaccessible. The jump seats are worthless because by the time a child is big enough to safely ride in them, they're too big to get back there. Neither seat slides far enough forward or folds flat enough to help. In comparison I owned an eighties version of the supercab ranger and it was great. Not only did the passanger seat fold and slide forward far enough for great access, the usable space was much better. I could haul two middle school kids easily on the jump seats and no hassel getting in and out.