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Toyota RAV4 MPG

MPG Number of Vehicles
22 miles per gallon 3 vehicles
23 miles per gallon 6 vehicles
24 miles per gallon 3 vehicles
25 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
26 miles per gallon 7 vehicles
27 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
28 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
29 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
30 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
31 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
32 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
33 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
34 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
35 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
36 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
Model Year Body/Powertrain MPG  
2016 2016 4dr SUV 176-hp 2.5L I4 Hybrid 6-sp shiftable CVT AWD 34.07
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With the 176-horsepower 2.5L I4 Hybrid engine, 6-speed shiftable CVT transmission, and all-wheel drive, the 2016 Toyota RAV4 has been averaging 34.07 MPG (miles per gallon).

The 2016 Toyota RAV4s in this analysis were driven mostly on the highway at an average speed of 60 miles per hour (about 40 percent of the miles driven). The rest of the miles were in the suburbs (0 percent), in the city (0 percent), and in heavy traffic (0 percent).

In addition, the average 2016 Toyota RAV4 in this analysis was driven on flat terrain with a light foot and the AC not used at all.
2016 2016 4dr SUV 176-hp 2.5L I4 6-sp shiftable automatic FWD 24.42
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What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the 2016 Toyota RAV4

2016 Toyota RAV4 Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2015 4dr SUV 176-horsepower 2.5L I4
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
The area I live in always yields the city MPG rating, or less. It is suburbia, USA and that means you hit lots of stop lights and have to get up to 45, just to stop for another stop light. Rarely is there ever any real highway driving, in which you go for 5+ miles at highway speed. So all in all, a 23-25mpg in this situation is great. At higher highway speeds, for long periods, I say 28mpg (acutal measured using miles and gallons calcs) vs. trusting the car computer. For the size and weight of the car, I'd say that is great! And I leave it in the ECO mode, to save more MPGs though there is a normal mode, and sport mode. The car has plenty of power, even in ECO mode, so don't be fooled by fancy ads, the mpg's are great! see full Toyota RAV4 review

2016 Toyota RAV4 Gas Mileage (MPG)

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Toyota RAV4's real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.