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2002 Acura MDX Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by bkaewert



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Reviewed: 2002 Acura MDX

4dr SUV 240-horsepower 3.5L V6 5-speed automatic AWD

Why the 2002 Acura MDX?

Reliability & durability

Nothing ever goes wrong - even with 160K miles!

Cargo capacity

Only crossover type (in 2002) to fit 7 people in a vehicle with good fuel econ. Fits a huge amount into a small size.

Fuel economy

Unbeatable for a 4WD vehicle of its capacity.

Exterior styling

Balance, and classic lines.

Materials & workmanship

Nothing ever breaks! Wears like iron. Plan to keep this car until 300K or more miles. At least two people that we told about car have purchased MDXs.

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