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2004 Honda Pilot Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Great car in city, highway, and light off road, poor mileage by deaston



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This has been my daily driver for about 9 years. I have a short work commute, use the car on some weekend trips of 1-5 hours, and take it off-road occasionally on our ranch or on the sand at the beach. It has never failed me. My only issue has been an A/C compressor. Would highly recommend this vehicle.

Reviewed: 2004 Honda Pilot

4dr SUV 240-horsepower 3.5L V6 5-speed automatic AWD

2004 Honda Pilot Love Letter

It's a utility vehicle, so looks aren't a priority for me. That said, I'm fine with the looks. What really sells me on this vehicle is how reliable and durable the car has been. I've towed with it, driven it through all sorts of brush and rutted ranch roads, down beaches with soft sand, and it has never suffered any serious problems other than some minor scratches. I had an A/C compressor go out (the A/C is on 98% of the time I'm driving) and I'm just starting to get a barely noticeable rattle in the front end (tie-rod ends probably).

Drving this his vehicle has been a joy. Very comfortable for my 6-foot frame. Wife and kids have loved it. Dog, bikes, luggage, camping gear and more has fit in the back. Leather seats have been durable and easy to clean. Runs down the road smoothly and relatively quiet for an SUV.

The one drawback to this vehicle has been mileage. To be expected give the size of the engine and vehicle class though. That's probably the biggest reason to consider replacing it.

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