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Lexus RX and Acura MDX Lemon Odds and Nada Odds for the Year Ending June 30, 2018

An asterisk (*) marks results based on small sample sizes.

Year Make/Model Nada Odds per 100 Cars Lemon Odds per 100 Cars    
27 vehicles, 11.7 months per vehicle, 37300 miles driven2016 Acura MDX Join or sign in to view   see reported repairs
  27 vehicles, 11.7 months per vehicle, 37300 miles driven
37 vehicles, 11.2 months per vehicle, 35100 miles driven2015 Lexus RX
[?] see reported repairs
  37 vehicles, 11.2 months per vehicle, 35100 miles driven
37 vehicles, 11.5 months per vehicle, 54900 miles driven

Redesigned. Much better than a year ago.
Acura MDX
[?] see reported repairs
  37 vehicles, 11.5 months per vehicle, 54900 miles driven

Redesigned. Much better than a year ago.
29 vehicles, 11.6 months per vehicle, 71600 miles driven2012 Acura MDX Join or sign in to view   see reported repairs
  29 vehicles, 11.6 months per vehicle, 71600 miles driven
29 vehicles, 11.3 months per vehicle, 99800 miles driven

Lexus RX Join or sign in to view   see reported repairs
  29 vehicles, 11.3 months per vehicle, 99800 miles driven

25 vehicles, 11.4 months per vehicle, 112800 miles driven2008 Lexus RX Join or sign in to view   see reported repairs
  25 vehicles, 11.4 months per vehicle, 112800 miles driven

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Lexus RX vs. Acura MDX Lemon Odds and Nada Odds

Other sources of Lexus RX and Acura MDX reliability data provide only averages, which can conceal as much as they reveal. So we also report the percentage of Lexus RXs and Acura MDXs with no repairs at all in the past year and the percentage of Lexus RXs and Acura MDXs that are lemons (required three or more repair trips in the past year). These figures might surprise you.

These stats are promptly updated four times a year, to closely track Lexus RX and Acura MDX lemon odds as the cars age. Others can be over a year behind. Only TrueDelta tells you how reliable the Lexus RX and Acura MDX have been recently.

To see how frequently Lexus RX and Acura MDX problems occur, check out our car reliability stats.

What Our Members Are Saying about the Brand Reputation of the Lexus RX

Lexus RX Brand Reputation: Pros
2008 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 3.5L V6
5-speed automatic AWD
Image is that of highest quality standards and history has proven that to be true. see full Lexus RX review
2008 4dr SUV 270-horsepower 3.5L V6
5-speed automatic AWD
well-known reputation for high quality, comfort and performance see full Lexus RX review
2004 4dr SUV 230-horsepower 3.3L V6
5-speed automatic AWD
The rep is that these cars are well screwed together. This one certainly is see full Lexus RX review
2004 4dr SUV 230-horsepower 3.3L V6
5-speed automatic FWD
Remains one of the best luxury values around with cache. You get a lot when you get an RX, but give up only a little bit of handling and gas mileage. Why would anyone want to buy a highlander instead of this??? see full Lexus RX review
2002 4dr SUV 220-horsepower 3.0L V6
4-speed automatic AWD
Lexus is rated No.1 for quality, fewest defects and highest owner satisfaction every year. I believe they have been voted No.1 for twelve years in a row. see full Lexus RX review

What Our Members Are Saying about the Brand Reputation of the Acura MDX

Acura MDX Brand Reputation: Pros
2011 4dr SUV 300-horsepower 3.7L V6
6-speed shiftable automatic AWD
This is my third Acura. I am happy with the quality and technology mostly. but, I think that they are a bit overpriced. They can not compete with BMW in style, or reputation, but charge almost the same for their vehicles. see full Acura MDX review
2008 4dr SUV 300-horsepower 3.7L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
Bought MDX for its 4 wheel drive, especially the much touted super handling system. MDX provides good value for all the options which came with the vehicle. Acura name provides high end brand name. see full Acura MDX review
2007 4dr SUV 300-horsepower 3.7L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
keeps trad in value see full Acura MDX review
2007 4dr SUV 300-horsepower 3.7L V6
5-speed shiftable automatic AWD
top rated image for reliability and acura is a premium brand with great resale, comparatively speaking see full Acura MDX review
2004 4dr SUV 265-horsepower 3.5L V6
5-speed automatic AWD
Acura quality was one of the min reasons for the purchase. This is my second Acura. see full Acura MDX review
2004 4dr SUV 265-horsepower 3.5L V6
5-speed automatic AWD
MDX has a reputation for building quality vehicles and providing good customer service. see full Acura MDX review
2003 4dr SUV 260-horsepower 3.5L V6
5-speed automatic AWD
Upscale. see full Acura MDX review