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2010 Mercedes-Benz SLK Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs)

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TSB Date Problem Area TSB Text
07/13/11 NHTSA ID: 10039256
TSB ID: LI-05-20-P

Mercedes-benz: the malfunction light is on with multiple possible trouble codes stored. there could be a problem with the camshaft and/or scoring of a piston.
05/23/11 NHTSA ID: 10037408
TSB ID: SB-32-25-82

Mercedes-benz: shock absorber procedure.
12/22/09 NHTSA ID: 10030929
TSB ID: TSB-42-10-109

Mercedes: corrosion protection coatings for brake components and hardware may be damaged and or stripped away if highly concentrated acid based cleaners are used. once the corrosion protection is damaged or removed the brake components an
06/29/11 Transmission and Drivetrain NHTSA ID: 10038977
TSB ID: LI-27-60-P049270

Mercedes-benz: the auto-transmission switches to limp home mode or has no power. there are multiple possible fault codes. a piston may be damaged.
07/13/11 Electrical and Air Conditioning NHTSA ID: 10039257
TSB ID: LI-07-10-P

Mercedes-benz: the engine warning light is on with stored trouble codes. idle speed limits were set too narrow.
12/06/10 Electrical and Air Conditioning NHTSA ID: 10034566
TSB ID: C1A-091101

Mercedes benz: reprogram mbrace (n123/4) dialed numbers to hughes. this action applies to new vehicle inventory only.
NHTSA's feed only includes summaries. For the full text of TSBs:

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11/01/10 Electrical and Air Conditioning NHTSA ID: 10034306
TSB ID: SB-91-60-193

Mercedes: airbag durability and reliability. air bag srs control module (n2/2) does not have a set shelf life and will normally be reliable for the life of a vehicle. with 164, 216 221, 251 and newer, the airbag control unit can be reset

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Mercedes-Benz SLK TSBs (Technical Service Bulletins)

Some things are often misunderstood about recalls and technical service bulletins (TSBs). Plus a disclaimer.

  1. Recalls do not have to be issued only because something is prone to failure. NHTSA (a government agency) can only require a recall if a failure will affect safety, emissions, fuel economy, or compliance with some other regulation or law. Manufacturers can voluntarily recall cars for problems that do not affect these, though.
  2. Recalls often apply to only some cars of a specific model year, rather than all of them. You should receive a letter from the manufacturer if your car has been recalled. You can also check with the dealer, which will know which (if any) recalls pertain to your car.
  3. The primary purpose of TSBs is to inform dealers about known problems with a car and how to fix them. They are not the same as recalls. As with recalls, TSBs often only apply to some cars, not the entire model year.
  4. Dealers often will not provide a preventive repair just because a problem described in a TSB might happen to your car. They'll usually want to observe symptoms that the problem is already affecting your car.
  5. Even if there are symptoms, a manufacturer doesn't have to pick up the cost of a TSB repair if the car is out of warranty, though sometimes they do.

We provide the text of recalls and TSBs as provided by NHTSA. There can be errors in the text. If you sign up for notifications in My Garage, we will try to get these to do, but for various reasons (some beyond our control) cannot guarantee you will receive them. When in doubt about a recall or TSB, contact the dealer.